Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
<?php /** * @version 2.6.x * @package K2 * @author JoomlaWorks * @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 JoomlaWorks Ltd. All rights reserved. * @license GNU/GPL license: */ defined('_JEXEC') or die; // include K2Base Josetta plugin, which shares many methods and thus is used as a base class require_once JPATH_PLUGINS . '/josetta_ext/k2item/classes/basek2plugin.php'; class plgJosetta_extK2Category extends plgJosetta_extBaseK2Plugin { protected $_context = 'com_k2_category'; protected $_defaultTable = 'K2Category'; /** * Method to build the dropdown of josetta translator screen * * @return array * */ public function onJosettaGetTypes() { $this->loadLanguages(); $item = array(self::$this->_context => 'K2 ' . JText::_('K2_CATEGORIES')); $items[] = $item; return $items; } /** * Overriden method, to add indentation to the list of categories * */ public function onJosettaLoadItems($context, $state) { if ((!empty($context) && ($context != $this->_context))) { return null; } // read data. Can't use parent, as this would slice the results // using limitstart and limit. K2 needs to slice later on, // after indenting has been done $items = array(); $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $this->_buildItemsListQuery($state); $db->setQuery($this->_query); $rawItems = $db->loadObjectList(); // Check for a database error. if ($db->getErrorNum()) { ShlSystem_Log::logError(__METHOD__ . ': ' . $db->getErrorMsg()); $rawItems = array(); } // now indent if (!empty($rawItems)) { // Joomla! framework menu utility used to indent // requires fields as parent_id instead of parent foreach ($rawItems as &$item) { $item->title = $item->name; $item->parent_id = $item->parent; } // indent cat list, for easier reading $items = self::indentCategories($rawItems); foreach ($items as &$item) { $item->name = JString::str_ireplace('<sup>|_</sup>', '', $item->treename); } // finally slice up to get the set we need $items = array_slice($items, $state->get('list.start'), $state->get('list.limit')); } return $items; } /** * * @see JosettaClassesExtensionplugin::onJosettaLoadItem() */ public function onJosettaLoadItem($context, $id = '') { if ((!empty($context) && ($context != $this->_context)) || (empty($id))) { return null; } //call the parent base class method to load the context information $category = parent::onJosettaLoadItem($context, $id); // Display the parent category name instead of the ID $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $db->setQuery('SELECT name FROM #__k2_categories WHERE id = ' . (int) $category->parent); $category->parent = $db->loadResult(); // Convert the meta description and meta keywords params to fields so user can translate them $categoryParams = new JRegistry($category->params); $category->metadesc = $categoryParams->get('catMetaDesc'); $category->metakey = $categoryParams->get('catMetaKey'); return $category; } /** * Save an item after it has been translated * This will be called by Josetta when a user clicks * the Save button. The context is passed so * that each plugin knows if it must process the data or not * * if $item->reference_id is empty, this is * a new item, otherwise we are updating the item * * $item->data contains the fields entered by the user * that needs to be saved * *@param context type *@param data in form of array * *return table id if data is inserted * *return false if error occurs * */ public function onJosettaSaveItem($context, $item, &$errors) { if (($context != $this->_context)) { return; } // load languages for form and error messages $this->loadLanguages(); // Save jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); JTable::addIncludePath(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_k2/tables'); require_once(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_k2/lib/class.upload.php'); $row = JTable::getInstance('K2Category', 'Table'); $params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_k2'); if (!$row->bind($item)) { JosettaHelper::enqueueMessages($row->getError()); return false; } $row->parent = (int) $row->parent; //$input = JRequest::get('post'); $filter = JFilterInput::getInstance(); $categoryParams = new JRegistry($row->params); $categoryParams->set('catMetaDesc', $filter->clean($item['metadesc'])); $categoryParams->set('catMetaKey', $filter->clean($item['metakey'])); $row->params = $categoryParams->toString(); $isNew = ($row->id) ? false : true; //Trigger the finder before save event $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance(); JPluginHelper::importPlugin('finder'); $results = $dispatcher->trigger('onFinderBeforeSave', array('com_k2.category', $row, $isNew)); if ($params->get('xssFiltering')) { $filter = new JFilterInput(array(), array(), 1, 1, 0); $row->description = $filter->clean($row->description); } if (!$row->id) { $row->ordering = $row->getNextOrder('parent = ' . $row->parent . ' AND trash=0'); } $savepath = JPATH_ROOT . '/media/k2/categories/'; if ($row->image && JFile::exists($savepath . $image)) { $uniqueName = uniqid() . '.jpg'; JFile::copy($savepath . $row->image, $savepath . $uniqueName); $row->image = $uniqueName; } if (!$row->check()) { JosettaHelper::enqueueMessages($row->getError()); return false; } if (!$row->store()) { JosettaHelper::enqueueMessages($row->getError()); return false; } if (!$params->get('disableCompactOrdering')) $row->reorder('parent = ' . $row->parent . ' AND trash=0'); if ((int) $params->get('imageMemoryLimit')) { ini_set('memory_limit', (int) $params->get('imageMemoryLimit') . 'M'); } //$files = JRequest::get('files'); $savepath = JPATH_ROOT . '/media/k2/categories/'; // TODO: this will be renamed when used through Josetta //$existingImage = JRequest::getVar('existingImage'); if (!empty($item['files']) && !empty($item['files']['image'])) { if (($item['files']['image']['error'] === 0 || !empty($item['existingImage'])) && empty($item['del_image'])) { if ($item['files']['image']['error'] === 0) { $image = $item['files']['image']; } else { $image = JPATH_SITE . '/' . JPath::clean($item['existingImage']); } $handle = new Upload($image); if ($handle->uploaded) { $handle->file_auto_rename = false; $handle->jpeg_quality = $params->get('imagesQuality', '85'); $handle->file_overwrite = true; $handle->file_new_name_body = $row->id; $handle->image_resize = true; $handle->image_ratio_y = true; $handle->image_x = $params->get('catImageWidth', '100'); $handle->Process($savepath); if ($files['image']['error'] === 0) $handle->Clean(); } else { JosettaHelper::enqueueMessages($handle->error); return false; } $row->image = $handle->file_dst_name; } } // TODO: this will be renamed when used through Josetta if (!empty($item['del_image'])) { $currentRow = JTable::getInstance('K2Category', 'Table'); $currentRow->load($row->id); if (JFile::exists(JPATH_ROOT . '/media/k2/categories/' . $currentRow->image)) { JFile::delete(JPATH_ROOT . '/media/k2/categories/' . $currentRow->image); } $row->image = ''; } if (!$row->store()) { JosettaHelper::enqueueMessages($row->getError()); return false; } //Trigger the finder after save event $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance(); JPluginHelper::importPlugin('finder'); $results = $dispatcher->trigger('onFinderAfterSave', array('com_k2.category', $row, $isNew)); $cache = JFactory::getCache('com_k2'); $cache->clean(); return $row->id; } public static function indentCategories(&$rows, $root = 0) { $children = array(); if (count($rows)) { foreach ($rows as $v) { $pt = $v->parent; $list = @$children[$pt] ? $children[$pt] : array(); array_push($list, $v); $children[$pt] = $list; } } $categories = JHTML::_('menu.treerecurse', $root, '', array(), $children); return $categories; } }