Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
<?php /** * Helper class for Tabs GK5 module * * GK Tab * @package Joomla! * @Copyright (C) 2009-2012 * @ All rights reserved * @ Joomla! is Free Software * @ Released under GNU/GPL License : * @ version $Revision: GK5 1.0 $ **/ // access restriction defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); // import JString class for UTF-8 problems jimport('joomla.utilities.string'); // Main GK Tab class class TabsGK5Helper { private $config; // configuration array private $tabs; // array of tabs content private $mod_getter; // object to get the modules private $active_tab; // number of the active tab // constructor public function __construct($module, $params) { // put the module params to the $config variable $this->config = $params->toArray(); // if the user set engine mode to Mootools if($this->config['engine_mode'] == 'mootools') { // load the MooTools framework to use with the module JHtml::_('behavior.framework', true); } else if($this->config['include_jquery'] == 1) { // if the user specify to include the jQuery framework - load newest jQuery 1.7.* $doc = JFactory::getDocument(); // generate keys of script section $headData = $doc->getHeadData(); $headData_keys = array_keys($headData["scripts"]); // set variable for false $engine_founded = false; // searching phrase mootools in scripts paths if(array_search('', $headData_keys) > 0) { $engine_founded = true; } // if(!$engine_founded) { $doc->addScript(''); } } // set the active tab $this->active_tab = $this->config['initial_tab']; // initializing the tabs array $this->tabs = array( "content" => array(), "title" => array(), "type" => array(), "id" => array(), "animation" => array() ); // getting module ID $this->config['module_id'] = ($this->config['automatic_module_id'] == 1) ? 'gk-tabs-' . $module->id : $params->get('module_id', 'gk-tabs-1'); // check the data source type if($this->config['module_data_source'] == 'tabsmanager') { // parse JSON data if it comes from the tabs manager $this->config['tabs_data'] = json_decode($this->config['tabs_data']); } else { // check the type of the source file if($this->config['external_source'] == -1) { // if there is no selected files - set the tabs_data to blank array $this->config['tabs_data'] = array(); } else { // if it is a JSON file if(stripos($this->config['external_source'], '.json') !== FALSE) { // read the file content $json_content = file_get_contents(JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'modules' . DS . 'mod_tabs_gk5' . DS . 'external_data' . DS . $this->config['external_source']); // and parse it $this->config['tabs_data'] = json_decode($json_content); } else if(stripos($this->config['external_source'], '.xml') !== FALSE) { // Load Simple XML parser jimport('joomla.utilities.simplexml'); // create a new instance of the JSimpleXML parser $xml = new JSimpleXML(); // loading file $xml->loadFile(JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'modules' . DS . 'mod_tabs_gk5' . DS . 'external_data' . DS . $this->config['external_source']); // creating empty array $this->config['tabs_data'] = array(); // parsing tabs foreach($xml->document->tab as $tab) { array_push( $this->config['tabs_data'], new GKTabObject( $tab->getElementByPath('name')->data(), $tab->getElementByPath('type')->data(), $tab->getElementByPath('content')->data(), $tab->getElementByPath('published')->data(), $tab->getElementByPath('access')->data(), $tab->getElementByPath('id')->data(), $tab->getElementByPath('animation')->data() ) ); } } else { // if there is file in other format - set the tabs_data to blank array $this->config['tabs_data'] = array(); } } } } // function to render module code public function render() { if(count($this->config['tabs_data']) == 0) { echo JText::_('MOD_TABS_GK5_NO_TABS_TO_SHOW'); return false; } // get the user access levels $access = JAccess::getAuthorisedViewLevels(JFactory::getUser()->get('id')); // remove the unpublished or invisible for specified user tabs and put only necessary tabs for($i = 0; $i < count($this->config['tabs_data']); $i++) { if($this->config['tabs_data'][$i]->published == 1 && ($this->checkAccess($this->config['tabs_data'][$i]->access, $access))) { // parse plugins code in the tab XHTML content if($this->config['parse_plugins'] == 1) { $this->config['tabs_data'][$i]->content = JHtml::_('content.prepare', $this->config['tabs_data'][$i]->content); } // put the data to specific array array_push($this->tabs["title"], $this->config['tabs_data'][$i]->name); array_push($this->tabs["content"], $this->config['tabs_data'][$i]->content); array_push($this->tabs["type"], $this->config['tabs_data'][$i]->type); array_push($this->tabs["id"], $this->config['tabs_data'][$i]->id); array_push($this->tabs["animation"], $this->config['tabs_data'][$i]->animation); } } // create necessary instances of the Joomla! classes $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $uri = JURI::getInstance(); // add stylesheets to document header if($this->config["useCSS"] == 1) { $document->addStyleSheet( $uri->root().'modules/mod_tabs_gk5/styles/'.$this->config['styleCSS'].'.css', 'text/css' ); } else { $document->addStyleSheet( $uri->root().'modules/mod_tabs_gk5/styles/backward-compatibility.css', 'text/css' ); } // get active tab: $uri_id_fragment = ''; // puth height CSS rules $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->addStyleDeclaration('#'.$this->config['module_id'].' .gkTabsContainer0, #'.$this->config['module_id'].' .gkTabsContainer1, #'.$this->config['module_id'].' .gkTabsContainer2 { height: '.$this->config['module_height'].'px; }'); // if url selection is enabled if($this->config['url_tab_selection'] == 1) { if($uri->getVar('gktab', '') != '') { $this->active_tab = (int) $uri->getVar('gktab', ''); } } // if cookie selection is enabled if($this->config['cookie_tab_selection'] == 1) { if(isset($_COOKIE['gktab-' . $this->config['module_id']])) { $this->active_tab = (int) $_COOKIE['gktab-' . $this->config['module_id']]; } } // check the active_tab value if($this->active_tab > count($this->config['tabs_data'])) { $this->active_tab = 1; } // getting module head section datas $headData = $document->getHeadData(); // generate keys of script section $headData_keys = array_keys($headData["scripts"]); // set variable for false $engine_founded = false; // searching phrase mootools in scripts paths if(array_search($uri->root().'modules/mod_tabs_gk5/scripts/engine.'.($this->config['engine_mode']).'.js', $headData_keys) > 0) { // if founded set variable to true $engine_founded = true; } // if engine file doesn't exists in document head section if(!$engine_founded || $this->config['useScript'] == 1) { // add new script tag connected with mootools from module $document->addScript($uri->root().'modules/mod_tabs_gk5/scripts/engine.'.($this->config['engine_mode']).'.js'); } // generate GK Tab configuration array $config_data = array( "activator" => $this->config['activator'], "animation" => $this->config['animation'], "animation_interval" => $this->config['animation_interval'], "animation_type" => $this->config['animation_type'], "active_tab" => $this->active_tab, "cookie_save" => $this->config['cookie_tab_selection'], "auto_height" => ($this->config['tabs_position'] == 'left' || $this->config['tabs_position'] == 'right') ? 0 : $this->config['module_auto_height'], "module_height" => $this->config['module_height'], "rtl" => isset($this->config['rtl']) ? $this->config['rtl'] : 0 ); // store it as JSON $config_data = str_replace('"', '\'', json_encode($config_data)); // if($this->config['tabs_position'] == 'left' || $this->config['tabs_position'] == 'right') { $document->addStyleDeclaration('#'.$this->config['module_id'].' .gkTabsWrap > ol { width: '.$this->config['tabs_width'].'px; }'. "\n"); } // override styles for RTL if(isset($this->config['rtl']) && $this->config['rtl'] == 1) { $document->addStyleDeclaration(' { left: auto; right: 0; }'."\n"); $document->addStyleDeclaration('.gkTabsItem { left: auto; right: -9999px; }'."\n"); } // include main module view require(JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath('mod_tabs_gk5', isset($this->config['layout']) ? $this->config['layout'] : 'default')); } // function to generate the module tabs public function moduleRender() { // iterate all tabs for($i = 0; $i < count($this->tabs["content"]); $i++) { // check if selected tab is active $active_class = ' gk-' . (($this->tabs['animation'][$i] == 'default') ? $this->config['animation_type'] : $this->tabs['animation'][$i]) . ' ' . (($this->active_tab == $i + 1) ? 'gk-active' : 'gk-hide'); // if the tab contains the module if($this->tabs["type"][$i] == 'module') { $this->mod_getter = JModuleHelper::getModules($this->tabs["content"][$i]); require(JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath('mod_tabs_gk5','module')); } // tabs with XHTML code if($this->tabs["type"][$i] == 'xhtml') { $content = $this->tabs["content"][$i]; require(JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath('mod_tabs_gk5','xhtml')); } } } // function to check the tab access levels private function checkAccess($tabACL, $userACL) { // cast to integer $tabACL = (int) $tabACL; // if the user have priviliges return true if(in_array($tabACL, $userACL)) { return true; } // in other way return false return false; } } // helper class to create objects from XML if(!class_exists('GKTabObject')) { class GKTabObject { public $name; public $type; public $content; public $published; public $access; public $id; public $animation; function __construct($name, $type, $content, $published, $access, $id, $animation) { $this->name = $name; $this->type = $type; $this->content = $content; $this->published = $published; $this->access = $access; $this->id = $id; $this->animation = $animation; } } } // EOF