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<?php /** * JUNewsUltra Pro * * @version 6.x * @package UNewsUltra Pro * @author Denys D. Nosov ( * @copyright (C) 2007-2017 by Denys D. Nosov ( * @license GNU/GPL: * **/ defined('_JEXEC') or die; $com_path = JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_content/'; require_once $com_path . 'router.php'; require_once $com_path . 'helpers/route.php'; class com_content extends modJUNewsUltraHelper { /** * @param $params * @param $junews * * @return mixed * * @since 6.0 */ public static function getList($params, $junews) { // Load libs $JULibs = new JULibs(); $JUImg = new JUImg(); // Load JFactory $lang = JFactory::getLanguage(); $user = JFactory::getUser(); $date = JFactory::getDate(); $db = JFactory::getDbo(); // DB connect $query = $db->getQuery(true); // Set date for DB $nullDate = $db->getNullDate(); $now = $date->toSql(); // com_content params $ordering = $params->get('ordering', 'id_desc'); $catid = $params->get('catid', null); $show_attribs = $params->get('show_attribs'); $wheresql = intval($params->get('wheresql')); $where = $params->get('where'); $display_article = $params->def('display_article'); $useaccess = $params->get('useaccess', '0'); $user_id = $params->get('user_id'); $uid = $params->get('uid'); if($useaccess == '1') { $groups = implode(',', $user->getAuthorisedViewLevels()); } $dateuser_filtering = $params->get('dateuser_filtering', 0); $date_filtering = $params->get('date_filtering', 0); $relative_date = $params->get('relative_date', 0); $date_type = $params->get('date_type', 'created'); $date_field = $params->get('date_field', 'a.created'); // Ordering switch ($ordering) { case 'title_asc': $orderBy = 'a.title'; break; case 'title_desc': $orderBy = 'a.title DESC'; break; case 'id_asc': $orderBy = ''; break; case 'id_desc': $orderBy = ' DESC'; break; case 'hits_asc': $orderBy = 'a.hits'; break; case 'hits_desc': $orderBy = 'a.hits DESC'; break; case 'rating_asc': $orderBy = 'rating'; break; case 'rating_desc': $orderBy = 'rating DESC'; break; case 'created_asc': $orderBy = 'a.created'; break; case 'modified_desc': $orderBy = 'a.modified DESC'; break; case 'modified_created_dsc': $orderBy = 'a.modified DESC, a.created'; break; case 'modified_touch_dsc': $orderBy = 'CASE WHEN (a.modified = ' . $db->quote($nullDate) . ') THEN a.created ELSE a.modified END'; break; case 'ordering_asc': $orderBy = 'a.ordering'; break; case 'ordering_desc': $orderBy = 'a.ordering DESC'; break; case 'rand': $orderBy = 'rand()'; break; case 'publish_dsc': $orderBy = 'a.publish_up DESC'; break; case 'created_desc': default: $orderBy = 'a.created DESC'; break; } // Access filter if($useaccess == '1') { $access = !JComponentHelper::getParams('com_content')->get('show_noauth'); $authorised = JAccess::getAuthorisedViewLevels($user->get('id')); } else { $access = '1'; $authorised = array(); } if(is_array($catid)) { $cat_arr = array(); foreach ($catid as $key => $curr) { if(intval($curr)) $cat_arr[$key] = intval($curr); } } else { $cat_arr = array(); if(intval($catid)) $cat_arr[] = intval($catid); } // Selects data $query->select(', a.state, a.alias, a.publish_up, a.publish_down'); if($junews['show_title'] == '1' || $junews['show_image'] == '1') { $query->select('a.title'); } if($junews['sourcetext'] == '1' || $junews['show_intro'] == '1' || ($junews['show_image'] == '1' && $junews['image_source'] == '0' && ($junews['introfulltext'] == '0' || $junews['introfulltext'] == '2')) ) { $query->select('a.introtext'); } if($junews['sourcetext'] == '1' || $junews['show_full'] == '1' || ($junews['show_image'] == '1' && $junews['image_source'] == '0' && ($junews['introfulltext'] == '1' || $junews['introfulltext'] == '2')) ) { $query->select('a.fulltext'); } if(JLanguageMultilang::isEnabled()) { $query->select('a.language'); } if($junews['image_source'] > '0' && $junews['show_image'] == '1') { $query->select('a.images'); } if( ($junews['show_date'] == '1' || $ordering == 'created_asc' || $ordering == 'created_desc') && ( $ordering == 'created_asc' || $ordering == 'created_desc' || $ordering == 'modified_created_dsc' || $ordering == 'modified_touch_dsc' || $date_type == 'created' || $date_field == 'a.created' || $date_filtering == '1' || $dateuser_filtering == '1' ) ) { $query->select('a.created'); } if( ( $junews['show_date'] == '1' || $ordering == 'modified_asc' || $ordering == 'modified_desc' || $ordering == 'modified_created_dsc' || $ordering == 'modified_touch_dsc' ) && ($ordering == 'modified_asc' || $ordering == 'modified_desc' || $ordering == 'modified_created_dsc' || $ordering == 'modified_touch_dsc' || $date_type == 'modified' || $date_field == 'a.modified' || $date_filtering == '1' ) ) { $query->select('a.modified'); } if($user_id) { $query->select('a.modified_by'); } if($useaccess == '1') { $query->select('a.access'); } if($junews['featured'] != '0') { $query->select('a.featured'); } if( $junews['show_author'] == '1' || $dateuser_filtering == '1' || $user_id || $user->get('id') > '0' ) { $query->select('a.created_by'); } if($junews['show_author'] == '1') { $query->select('a.created_by_alias'); } if($show_attribs == '1') { $query->select('a.attribs'); } if($ordering == 'ordering_asc' || $ordering == 'ordering_desc') { $query->select('a.ordering'); } if($junews['show_hits'] == '1' || $ordering == 'hits_asc' || $ordering == 'hits_desc') { $query->select('a.hits'); } if(is_array($catid) || $access) { $query->select('a.catid'); } // From $query->from('#__content AS a'); // Categories if($junews['show_cat'] == '1') { $query->select('cc.title AS category_title'); $query->join('LEFT', '#__categories AS cc ON = a.catid'); } // Multicategories plugin integration if($junews['multicat'] == 1) { $query->select('cmc.category_id AS cmc_cat'); $query->join('LEFT', '#__contentmulticategories_categories AS cmc ON cmc.article_id ='); } // User if($junews['show_author'] == 1) { $query->select(' AS author'); $query->join('LEFT', '#__users AS u on = a.created_by'); } // Rating if($junews['show_rating'] == 1) { $query->select('ROUND(v.rating_sum / v.rating_count, 0) AS rating'); $query->join('LEFT', '#__content_rating AS v ON = v.content_id'); } // Uniq author post if($dateuser_filtering == 1 || !empty($uid)) { $ji_catids = ''; if(is_array($cat_arr) && count($cat_arr)) { $ji_catids = 'WHERE `catid` IN (' . implode(',', $cat_arr) . ')'; } $query->join('INNER', '(SELECT max(`created`) MaxPostDate, `created_by` FROM `#__content` ' . $ji_catids . ' GROUP BY `created_by`) a2 ON a.created = a2.MaxPostDate'); } // Where $query->where('a.state = 1'); $query->where('( a.publish_up = ' . $db->Quote($nullDate) . ' OR a.publish_up < ' . $db->Quote($now) . ' )'); $query->where('( a.publish_down = ' . $db->Quote($nullDate) . ' OR a.publish_down > ' . $db->Quote($now) . ' )'); // Select article or categories if($display_article == '1') { $query->where(' = ' . (int) $params->def('articleid')); } else { if($date_filtering == 1) { switch ($relative_date) { case '1': $startDateRange = $db->quote($params->get('start_date_range', date('Y-m-d') . ' 00:00:00')); $endDateRange = $db->quote($params->get('end_date_range', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); $query->where('(' . $date_field . ' > ' . $startDateRange . ' AND ' . $date_field . ' < ' . $endDateRange . ')'); break; case '2': $query->where($date_field . ' > DATE_SUB(' . $db->Quote($now) . ', INTERVAL 7 DAY)'); break; case '3': $query->where($date_field . ' > DATE_SUB(' . $db->Quote($now) . ', INTERVAL 14 DAY)'); break; case '4': $query->where($date_field . ' > DATE_SUB(' . $db->Quote($now) . ', INTERVAL ' . cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, date('m'), date('Y')) . ' DAY)'); break; case '5': $query->where($date_field . ' > DATE_SUB(' . $db->Quote($now) . ', INTERVAL 365 DAY)'); break; case '6': $query->where($date_field . ' > DATE_SUB(' . $db->Quote($now) . ', INTERVAL ' . $params->get('custom_days', '30') . ' DAY)'); break; case '0': default: $query->where($date_field . ' > DATE_SUB(' . $db->Quote($now) . ', INTERVAL 1 DAY)'); break; } } // Standart categories or multicategories (plugin integration) if(is_array($cat_arr) && count($cat_arr)) { if($junews['multicat'] == 1) { $query->where('( a.catid IN (' . implode(',', $cat_arr) . ') OR cmc.category_id IN (' . implode(',', $cat_arr) . ') )'); } else { $query->where('a.catid IN (' . implode(',', $cat_arr) . ')'); } } $excluded_articles = $params->get('excluded_articles', null); if($excluded_articles) { $excluded_articles = explode("\r\n", $excluded_articles); $query->where(' NOT IN (' . implode(',', $excluded_articles) . ')'); } switch ($junews['featured']) { case '1': $query->where('a.featured = 1'); break; case '0': $query->where('a.featured = 0'); break; } switch ($user_id) { case '0': if($uid > '0') $query->where('a.created_by = ' . $db->Quote((int) $uid)); break; case 'by_me': $query->where('(a.created_by = ' . (int) $user->get('id') . ' OR a.modified_by = ' . (int) $user->get('id') . ')'); break; case 'not_me': $query->where('(a.created_by <> ' . (int) $user->get('id') . ' AND a.modified_by <> ' . (int) $user->get('id') . ')'); break; } } if(JLanguageMultilang::isEnabled()) { $query->where('a.language in (' . $db->quote(JFactory::getLanguage()->getTag()) . ',' . $db->quote('*') . ')'); } if($useaccess == '1') { $query->where('a.access IN (' . $groups . ')'); } // Custom WHERE SQL if($wheresql == 1) { $sqls = explode("\r\n", $where); if($params->get('sql_operator', 1) == '1') { foreach ($sqls as $sql) { $query->where($sql); } } else { $query->where('(' . implode(' OR ', $sqls) . ')'); } } // Order $query->order($orderBy); // Limit and display data $db->setQuery($query, $junews['count_skip'], $junews['count']); $items = $db->loadObjectList(); // Comments integration if($params->def('use_comments') == 1 && count($items)) { $comments_system = $params->def('select_comments'); $comments = JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_' . $comments_system . '/' . $comments_system . '.php'; if(file_exists($comments)) { $ids = array(); foreach ($items as &$item) { $ids[] = $item->id; } switch (!$comments_system) { default: case 'jcomments': $lang->load('com_' . $comments_system, JPATH_SITE); break; } $query = $db->getQuery(true); switch ($comments_system) { case 'komento': $query->select('cid, count(cid) AS cnt'); $query->from('#__komento_comments'); $query->where('component = "com_content" AND cid IN (' . implode(',', $ids) . ') AND published = "1"'); $query->group('cid'); $db->setQuery($query); $commentsCount = $db->loadObjectList('cid'); $comment_link = '#section-komento'; $comment_add = $comment_link; $comment_text1 = 'COM_KOMENTO_FRONTPAGE_COMMENT'; $comment_text2 = $comment_text1; $comment_plural = 0; break; default: case 'jcomments': $query->select('object_id, count(object_id) AS cnt'); $query->from('#__jcomments'); $query->where('object_group = "com_content" AND object_id IN (' . implode(',', $ids) . ') AND published = "1"'); $query->group('object_id'); $db->setQuery($query); $commentsCount = $db->loadObjectList('object_id'); $comment_link = '#comments'; $comment_add = '#addcomments'; $comment_text1 = 'LINK_READ_COMMENTS'; $comment_text2 = 'LINK_ADD_COMMENT'; $comment_plural = 1; break; } foreach ($items as &$item) { $item->comments = isset($commentsCount[$item->id]) ? $commentsCount[$item->id]->cnt : 0; $item->commentslink = $comment_link; $item->commentstext = ($comment_plural == 1 ? JText::plural($comment_text1, $item->comments) : JText::_($comment_text1) . ' (' . $item->comments . ')'); $item->commentscount = $item->comments; if($item->comments == 0) { $item->comments = ''; $item->commentslink = $comment_add; $item->commentstext = JText::_($comment_text2); } } } else { JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(JText::_('MOD_JUNEWS_COMMENTS_NOT_INSTALLED'), 'error'); } } foreach ($items as &$item) { if($access || in_array($item->access, $authorised)) { $item->slug = $item->id . ($item->alias ? ':' . $item->alias : ''); $language = (JLanguageMultilang::isEnabled() ? $item->language : ''); $catid = ($item->cmc_cat && $junews['multicat'] == 1 ? $item->cmc_cat : $item->catid); $item->link = JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($item->slug, $catid, $language)); $item->catlink = JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute($catid)); } else { $item->link = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_users&view=login'); $item->catlink = $item->link; } // article title if($junews['show_title'] == 1) { $item->title = $JULibs->_Title($params, $item->title); } // title for attr title and alt $item->title_alt = $JULibs->_Title($params, $item->title); // category title if($junews['show_cat'] == 1) { $cattitle = strip_tags($item->category_title); if($params->get('showcatlink') == 1) { $item->cattitle = '<a href="' . $item->catlink . '">' . $cattitle . '</a>'; } else { $item->cattitle = $cattitle; } } if($junews['show_image'] == 1) { switch ($junews['introfulltext']) { case '1': $_text = $item->fulltext; break; case '2': $_text = $item->introtext . $item->fulltext; break; default: case '0': $_text = $item->introtext; break; } $title_alt = $item->title_alt; $imlink = ''; $imlink2 = ''; if($junews['imglink'] == 1) { $imlink = '<a href="' . $item->link . '"' . ($params->get('tips') == 1 ? ' title="' . $title_alt . '"' : '') . '>'; $imlink2 = '</a>'; } if($junews['image_source'] == '0') { if(preg_match('/<img(.*?)src="(.*?)"(.*?)>\s*(<\/img>)?/', $_text, $junuimgsource)) { $junuimgsource = $junuimgsource[2]; } elseif(preg_match('/{gallery\s+(.*?)}/i', $_text, $junuimgsource) && $junews['gallery'] == '1') { $folder_match = $junuimgsource[1]; $imglist = explode("|", $folder_match); $imgsource = $imglist[0]; $root = JPATH_BASE . '/'; $folder = 'images/' . $imgsource; $img_folder = $root . $folder; $galleries = glob($img_folder . '/{*.[jJ][pP][gG],*.[jJ][pP][eE][gG],*.[gG][iI][fF],*.[pP][nN][gG],*.[bB][mM][pP],*.[tT][iI][fF],*.[tT][iI][fF][fF]}', GLOB_BRACE); if(count($galleries) > 0 && is_dir($img_folder)) { $i = 0; $html = array(); natcasesort($galleries); foreach ($galleries as $gallery) { if($i > 0) break; $html[] = str_replace(JPATH_BASE . '/', JURI::base(), $gallery); $i++; } $junuimgsource = $html[0]; } else { $junuimgsource = ''; } } elseif($junews['youtube_img_show'] == 1) { //Youtube $_text = str_replace( array( '//', '//', '', '', '', '' ), '', $_text ); if(preg_match_all('%(?:youtube(?:-nocookie)?\.com/(?:[^/]+/.+/|(?:v|e(?:mbed)?)/|.*[?&]v=)|youtu\.be/)([^>"&?/ ]{11})%i', $_text, $match)) { $junuimgsource = $JULibs->video('' . $match[1][0], 'hqthumb'); } //Vimeo if(preg_match_all('#([0-9]+)#i', $_text, $match)) { $junuimgsource = $JULibs->video('' . $match[2], 'hqthumb'); } } } if($junews['image_source'] == '1' || $junews['image_source'] == '2' || $junews['image_source'] == '3') { // images from article parameters $images = json_decode($item->images); if( ($junews['image_source'] > '0') && ((isset($images->image_intro) && !empty($images->image_intro)) || (isset($images->image_fulltext) && !empty($images->image_fulltext))) ) { if($junews['image_source'] == '1') { if(isset($images->image_intro) && !empty($images->image_intro)) { $junuimgsource = htmlspecialchars($images->image_intro); // raw image source $item->imagesource = htmlspecialchars($images->image_intro); } elseif(isset($images->image_fulltext) && !empty($images->image_fulltext)) { $junuimgsource = htmlspecialchars($images->image_fulltext); // raw image source $item->imagesource = htmlspecialchars($images->image_fulltext); } } elseif($junews['image_source'] == '2' && (isset($images->image_intro) && !empty($images->image_intro))) { $junuimgsource = htmlspecialchars($images->image_intro); // raw image source $item->imagesource = htmlspecialchars($images->image_intro); } elseif($junews['image_source'] == '3' && (isset($images->image_fulltext) && !empty($images->image_fulltext))) { $junuimgsource = htmlspecialchars($images->image_fulltext); // raw image source $item->imagesource = htmlspecialchars($images->image_fulltext); } } } switch ($junews['thumb_width']) { case '0': if($junews['defaultimg'] == 1 && (!$junuimgsource)) { $junuimgsource = 'media/mod_junewsultra/' . $junews['noimage']; } if($junuimgsource) { $item->image = $imlink . '<img src="' . $junuimgsource . '" alt="' . $title_alt . '" />' . $imlink2; $item->imagelink = $junuimgsource; $item->imagesource = $junuimgsource; } elseif($junews['defaultimg'] == 1) { $item->image = ''; $item->imagelink = ''; $item->imagesource = ''; } break; case '1': default: if(!$junuimgsource) { $blank = 0; if($junews['defaultimg'] == 1) { $junuimgsource = 'media/mod_junewsultra/' . $junews['noimage']; $blank = 1; } } else { $blank = 1; } if($blank == 1) { $aspect = 0; if($junews['auto_zoomcrop'] == '1') { $aspect = $JULibs->aspect($junuimgsource, $junews['cropaspect']); } if($aspect >= '1' && $junews['auto_zoomcrop'] == '1') { $newimgparams = array( 'far' => '1', 'bg' => $junews['zoomcropbg'] ); } else { $newimgparams = array( 'zc' => ($junews['zoomcrop'] == 1 ? $junews['zoomcrop_params'] : '') ); } if($junews['farcrop'] == '1') { $newimgparams = array( 'far' => $junews['farcrop_params'], 'bg' => $junews['farcropbg'] ); } $imgparams = array( 'w' => $junews['w'], 'h' => $junews['h'], 'sx' => ($junews['sx'] ? $junews['sx'] : ''), 'sy' => ($junews['sy'] ? $junews['sy'] : ''), 'sw' => ($junews['sw'] ? $junews['sw'] : ''), 'sh' => ($junews['sh'] ? $junews['sh'] : ''), 'f' => $junews['f'], 'q' => $junews['q'], 'cache' => 'img' ); $imgparams_merge = array_merge( $imgparams, $newimgparams ); switch ($junews['usesrcset']) { case '1': $imgset = $junews['srcsetviewport']; $attr_imgset = array(); for ($i = 0; $i <= 4; $i++) { if($imgset[$i]) { switch ($imgset[$i]) { case '480': $zoom = 1.5; break; case '768': $zoom = 2; break; case '992': $zoom = 2.5; break; case '1200': $zoom = 3; break; case '360': default: $zoom = 1; break; } $imgsetparams = array( 'w' => round($junews['w'] * $zoom), 'h' => round($junews['h'] * $zoom), 'sx' => ($junews['sx'] ? $junews['sx'] : ''), 'sy' => ($junews['sy'] ? $junews['sy'] : ''), 'sw' => ($junews['sw'] ? $junews['sw'] : ''), 'sh' => ($junews['sh'] ? $junews['sh'] : ''), 'f' => $junews['f'], 'q' => $junews['q'], 'cache' => 'img' ); $imgsetparams_merge = array_merge( $imgsetparams, $newimgparams ); $thumb_imgset = JURI::base() . $JUImg->Render($junuimgsource, $imgsetparams_merge); $attr_imgset[] = $thumb_imgset . ' ' . $imgset[$i] . 'w'; } } $srcset = ' srcset="' . implode(', ', $attr_imgset) . '" '; break; case '2': $imgset = $junews['srcsetpixeldensity']; $attr_imgset = array(); for ($i = 0; $i <= 2; $i++) { if($imgset[$i]) { switch ($imgset[$i]) { case '2': $zoom = 2; break; case '3': $zoom = 3; break; default: case '1': $zoom = 1; break; } $imgsetparams = array( 'w' => round($junews['w'] * $zoom), 'h' => round($junews['h'] * $zoom), 'sx' => ($junews['sx'] ? $junews['sx'] : ''), 'sy' => ($junews['sy'] ? $junews['sy'] : ''), 'sw' => ($junews['sw'] ? $junews['sw'] : ''), 'sh' => ($junews['sh'] ? $junews['sh'] : ''), 'f' => $junews['f'], 'q' => $junews['q'], 'cache' => 'img' ); $imgsetparams_merge = array_merge( $imgsetparams, $newimgparams ); $thumb_imgset = JURI::base() . $JUImg->Render($junuimgsource, $imgsetparams_merge); $attr_imgset[] = $thumb_imgset . ' ' . $imgset[$i] . 'x'; } } $srcset = ' srcset="' . implode(', ', $attr_imgset) . '" '; break; default: case '0': $srcset = ' '; break; } $thumb_img = JURI::base() . $JUImg->Render($junuimgsource, $imgparams_merge); $item->image = $imlink . '<img src="' . $thumb_img . '"' . $srcset . 'alt="' . $title_alt . '" />' . $imlink2; $item->imagelink = $thumb_img; $item->imagesource = $junuimgsource; } else { $item->image = ''; $item->imagelink = ''; $item->imagesource = ''; } break; } } // rawtext if($junews['sourcetext'] == '1') { $item->sourcetext = $item->introtext . $item->fulltext; } // introtext if($junews['show_intro'] == '1') { $item->introtext = $JULibs->_Description( $params, $item->introtext, $junews['cleartag'], $junews['allowed_intro_tags'], $junews['li'], $junews['introtext_limit'], $junews['lmttext'], $junews['end_limit_introtext'] ); } // fulltext if($junews['show_full'] == '1') { $item->fulltext = $JULibs->_Description( $params, $item->fulltext, $junews['clear_tag_full'], $junews['allowed_full_tags'], $junews['li_full'], $junews['fulltext_limit'], $junews['lmttext_full'], $junews['end_limit_fulltext'] ); } // author if($junews['show_author'] == 1 && $item->created_by_alias) { $item->author = $item->created_by_alias; } // date if($junews['show_date'] == 1) { switch ($date_type) { case 'modified': $_date_type = $item->modified; break; case 'publish_up': $_date_type = $item->publish_up; break; default: case 'created': $_date_type = $item->created; break; } $item->sqldate = $_date_type; $item->date = JHtml::date($_date_type, $junews['data_format']); $item->df_d = JHtml::date($_date_type, $junews['date_day']); $item->df_m = JHtml::date($_date_type, $junews['date_month']); $item->df_y = JHtml::date($_date_type, $junews['date_year']); } // rating if($junews['show_rating'] == 1) { $item->rating = $JULibs->_RatingStar($params, $item->rating); } } return $items; } }