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;/** ; * @package Xpert Contents ; * @version 2.4 ; * @date 2015-02-04 ; * @author ThemeXpert ; * @copyright Copyright (C) 2009 - 2011 ThemeXpert ; * @license GNU/GPLv2 only ; * ; */ ;Init ;------------------------------------- MOD_XPERTCONTENTS="Xpert Contents" MOD_XPERTCONTENTS_XML_DESCRIPTION="Powerfull content showcase module for Joomla 2.5/3.x" ;Fieldset Titles ;-------------------------------------- COM_MODULES_GENERAL_SETTINGS_FIELDSET_LABEL= "General Settings" COM_MODULES_JOOMLA_FIELDSET_LABEL="Joomla Article Settings" JOOMLA_SETTINGS_DESC="Configure Joomla Article options" COM_MODULES_K2_FIELDSET_LABEL="K2 Article Settings" COM_MODULES_EASYBLOG_FIELDSET_LABEL="EasyBlog Settings" COM_MODULES_DOCUMENTATION_SUPPORT_FIELDSET_LABEL = "Documentation & Support" ;Routing ;------------------------------------------- ROUTING_BEHAVIOR = "Routing Type" ROUTING_BEHAVIOR_DESC = "Choose the routing type when generate item link" DEFAULT_BEHAVIOR = "Use default behaviour" USE_MENU_ITEM = "Use menu item" USE_MENU_ITEM_DESC = "Item link will use the selected menu when generate link" ;General settings ;-------------------------------------------- CONTENT_SOURCE= "Content Source" CONTENT_SOURCE_DESC= "Select source of article" SELECT_CONTENT_SOURCE = "Select content provider" ;Common Settings ;-------------------------------------------- ALL="All" SELECT="Select" CATEGORY_LABEL="Category" CATEGORY_DESC="Category Name With Link" DATE_LABEL="Date" DATE_DESC="Article Creation Date" INTRO_TEXT="Introtext" INTRO_TEXT_DESC="Show/Hide Introtext" INTRO_TEXT_LIMIT_TYPE="Limited by" INTRO_TEXT_LIMIT_TYPE_DESC="Select introtext filter option" WORDS= "Words" CHARACTERS= "Characters" INTRO_TEXT_LIMIT="Introtext limit" INTRO_TEXT_LIMIT_DESC="Introtext Charecter limit. Leave it blank to show all charecters." READMORE_LABEL= "Readmore" READMORE_DESC= "Show/Hide Readmore button" READMORE_TEXT_LABEL = "Readmore Text" READMORE_TEXT_DESC = "Readmore Button Text" ;Layout settings ;-------------------------------------------- LAYOUTS = "Select A Layout" LAYOUTS_DESC = "" ;Primary Settings ;-------------------------------------------- PRIMARY_SETTINGS="Primary Column Settings" PRIMARY_SETTINGS_DESC="Primary column usually the leading/featured area of the layout" XC_PRIMARY_COUNT_LABEL = "Max Items" XC_PRIMARY_COUNT_DESC = "Number of Items to display" ;Sec Settings ;-------------------------------------------- SECONDARY_SETTINGS="Secondary Column Settings" SECONDARY_SETTINGS_DESC="Secondary Column" XC_SEC_COUNT_LABEL="Max Items" XC_SEC_COUNT_DESC="Number of Items to display" ;Image settings ;-------------------------------------------- IMAGE_RESIZE="Image resize" IMAGE_RESIZE_DESC="Change your image dimensions forcefully" IMAGE_WIDTH="Image width" IMAGE_WIDTH_DESC=" Set image width in px value. Do not enter <strong>px</strong> on this value" IMAGE_HEIGHT="Image height" IMAGE_HEIGHT_DESC=" Set image height in px value. Do not enter <strong>px</strong> on this value" ;Joomla Article settings ;-------------------------------------------- JOOM_CATEGOTY_FILTER_LABEL ="Category filter" JOOM_CATEGOTY_FILTER_DESC ="" JCATEGORY="Category" JCATEGORY_DESC="Selects Articles from one or more Categories. If no selection will show all categories as default" COUNT_LABEL="Count" COUNT_DESC="The number of Articles to display (the default is 5)" ORDERING_LABEL ="Order" ORDERING_DESC="Ordering Options. Touched First means: -Modified First if article has been modified at least one time and -Created if article has only been created." ORDERING_CREATED_DATE="Created Date" ORDERING_PUBLISHED_DATE="Published Date" ORDERING_ORDERING="Ordering" ORDERING_RANDOM="Random" AUTHORS_LABEL="Authors" AUTHORS_LABEL="Filter by authors" FEATURED_LABEL="Featured Articles" FEATURED_DESC="Show/Hide Articles designated as Featured" ;K2 settings ;--------------------------------------------- K2_CATEGORY_FILTER="Category filter" K2_CHILDREN_CATEGORIES="Children Categories" K2_TIME_RANGE="Time range" K2_TIME_RANGE_DESC="Time range (if ordering is set to 'most popular' or 'most commented')" K2_1_DAY="1 day" K2_1_MONTH="1 month" K2_1_WEEK="1 week" K2_2_WEEKS="2 weeks" K2_3_DAYS="3 days" K2_3_MONTHS="3 months" K2_6_MONTHS="6 months" K2_ADDITIONAL_INFO="Additional Info" K2_ADD_ITEMS="Add items" K2_ALL="All" K2_ALL_TIME="All time" ;EasyBlog ;---------------------------------------------- EZB_CATEGORY_FILTER = "Category filter" EZB_CATID_LABEL = "Category" EZB_CATID_DESC = "" EZB_ORDERING = "Ordering" EZB_ORDERING_DESC = "" EZB_USE_FEATURED="Use featured blogs" EZB_USE_FEATURED_DESC="If this is enabled, only featured blog posts will be fetched" MOD_XPERTSLIDER_IS_CURRENTLY_SET_TO_PRIVATE="Please login to view this private category's blog entries." ;Advanced ;-------------------------------------------- MODULECLASS_SFX="Module suffix" MODULECLASS_SFX_DESC="Module suffix is used to get other module styling" AUTO_MODULE_ID="Automatic module ID" AUTO_MODULE_ID_DESC="Automatic module ID is useful if you don't need to style a module with its ID and you want to be sure that you won't have any script conflict based on the same ID in two or more module instances." MODULE_UNIQUE_ID="Module ID" MODULE_UNIQUE_ID_DESC="This option works only if you have automatic module id option disabled. Then you can specify your own static module ID." LOAD_JQUERY="Load jQuery" LOAD_JQUERY_DESC="This module needs jQuery version <strong>1.4.2+</strong> to run, if your template already load this version then you can disbale this." JQUERY_SOURCE="jQuery Source" JQUERY_SOURCE_DESC="Loading jQuery form <strong>Google CDN</strong> is Recommended when you are running this module on live site. You can load from <strong>Module Core</strong> when you don't have any internet connection or for testing purpose." ;Doc and Link ;---------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT = "Important!" INFORMATION = "Information" DOC_MSG = "Please view the <a href="" target="_blank">extension documentation site</a> for more information about the settings below." DOC_SUPPORT_MESSAGE = "Free extensions support is limited and provided as user by user in our <a href="" target="_blank">Forum</a>. To get premium support from our experts consider buying <a href="">$10 Quick Support plan</a> valid 7 days from purchase."