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All rights reserved. ; License GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt, see LICENSE.php ; Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 ; Common boolean values ; Note: YES, NO, TRUE, FALSE are reserved words in INI format. ; Double quotes in the values have to be formatted as "_QQ_" ; Keep this string on top JERROR_PARSING_LANGUAGE_FILE=" : error(s) in line(s) %s" ERROR="Error" MESSAGE="Message" NOTICE="Notice" WARNING="Warning" J1="1" J2="2" J3="3" J4="4" J5="5" J6="6" J7="7" J8="8" J9="9" J10="10" J15="15" J20="20" J25="25" J30="30" J50="50" J100="100" JACTION_ADMIN="Configure" JACTION_ADMIN_GLOBAL="Super User" JACTION_COMPONENT_SETTINGS="Component Settings" JACTION_CREATE="Create" JACTION_DELETE="Delete" JACTION_EDIT="Edit" JACTION_EDITOWN="Edit Own" JACTION_EDITSTATE="Edit State" JACTION_LOGIN_ADMIN="Administrator Login" JACTION_LOGIN_SITE="Site Login" JACTION_MANAGE="Access Administration Interface" JADMINISTRATOR="Administrator" JALL="All" JALL_LANGUAGE="All" JARCHIVED="Archived" JAUTHOR="Author" JCANCEL="Cancel" JCATEGORY="Category" JDATE="Date" JDEFAULT="Default" JDETAILS="Details" JDISABLED="Disabled" JEDITOR="Editor" JENABLED="Enabled" JEXPIRED="Expired" JFALSE="False" JFEATURED="Featured" JHIDE="Hide" JINVALID_TOKEN="The most recent request was denied because it contained an invalid security token. 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JTOOLBAR_VERSIONS="Versions" JTRASH="Trash" JTRASHED="Trashed" JTRUE="True" JUNPUBLISHED="Unpublished" JYEAR="Year" JYES="Yes" JBROWSERTARGET_MODAL="Modal" JBROWSERTARGET_NEW="Open in new window" JBROWSERTARGET_PARENT="Open in parent window" JBROWSERTARGET_POPUP="Open in popup" JERROR_ALERTNOAUTHOR="You are not authorised to view this resource." JERROR_ALERTNOTEMPLATE="<strong>The template for this display is not available. Please contact a Site administrator.</strong>" JERROR_AN_ERROR_HAS_OCCURRED="An error has occurred." JERROR_COULD_NOT_FIND_TEMPLATE="Could not find template "_QQ_"%s"_QQ_"." JERROR_ERROR="Error" JERROR_LAYOUT_AN_OUT_OF_DATE_BOOKMARK_FAVOURITE="an <strong>out-of-date bookmark/favourite</strong>" JERROR_LAYOUT_ERROR_HAS_OCCURRED_WHILE_PROCESSING_YOUR_REQUEST="An error has occurred while processing your request." JERROR_LAYOUT_GO_TO_THE_HOME_PAGE="Go to the Home Page" JERROR_LAYOUT_HOME_PAGE="Home Page" JERROR_LAYOUT_MIS_TYPED_ADDRESS="a <strong>mistyped address</strong>" JERROR_LAYOUT_NOT_ABLE_TO_VISIT="You may not be able to visit this page because of:" JERROR_LAYOUT_PAGE_NOT_FOUND="The requested page can't be found." JERROR_LAYOUT_PLEASE_CONTACT_THE_SYSTEM_ADMINISTRATOR="If difficulties persist, please contact the System Administrator of this site and report the error below." JERROR_LAYOUT_PLEASE_TRY_ONE_OF_THE_FOLLOWING_PAGES="Please try one of the following pages:" JERROR_LAYOUT_REQUESTED_RESOURCE_WAS_NOT_FOUND="The requested resource was not found." JERROR_LAYOUT_SEARCH="You may wish to search the site or visit the home page." JERROR_LAYOUT_SEARCH_ENGINE_OUT_OF_DATE_LISTING="a search engine that has an <strong>out-of-date listing for this site</strong>" JERROR_LAYOUT_SEARCH_PAGE="Search this site" JERROR_LAYOUT_YOU_HAVE_NO_ACCESS_TO_THIS_PAGE="you have <strong>no access</strong> to this page" JERROR_LOADING_MENUS="Error loading Menus: %s" JERROR_LOGIN_DENIED="You can't access the private section of this site." JERROR_NOLOGIN_BLOCKED="Login denied! Your account has either been blocked or you have not activated it yet." JERROR_PAGE_NOT_FOUND="Page not found" JERROR_SESSION_STARTUP="Error initialising the session." JERROR_TABLE_BIND_FAILED="hmm %s ..." JERROR_USERS_PROFILE_NOT_FOUND="User profile not found" JFIELD_ACCESS_DESC="Access level for this content." JFIELD_ACCESS_LABEL="Access" JFIELD_ALIAS_DESC="The Alias will be used in the SEF URL. Leave this blank and Joomla! will fill in a default value from the title. This value will depend on the SEO settings (Global Configuration->Site). <br />Using Unicode will produce UTF-8 aliases. You may also enter manually any UTF-8 character. Spaces and some forbidden characters will be changed to hyphens.<br />When using default transliteration it will produce an alias in lower case and with dashes instead of spaces. You may enter the Alias manually. Use lowercase letters and hyphens (-). No spaces or underscores are allowed. Default value will be a date and time if the title is typed in non-latin letters ." JFIELD_ALIAS_LABEL="Alias" JFIELD_ALIAS_PLACEHOLDER="Auto-generate from title" JFIELD_ALT_PAGE_TITLE_LABEL="Alternative Page Title" JFIELD_CATEGORY_DESC="Category" JFIELD_LANGUAGE_DESC="Assign a language to this article." JFIELD_LANGUAGE_LABEL="Language" JFIELD_META_DESCRIPTION_DESC="Metadata description." JFIELD_META_DESCRIPTION_LABEL="Meta Description" JFIELD_META_KEYWORDS_DESC="Keywords describing the content." JFIELD_META_KEYWORDS_LABEL="Keywords" JFIELD_META_RIGHTS_DESC="Describe what rights others have to use this content." JFIELD_META_RIGHTS_LABEL="Content Rights" JFIELD_ORDERING_DESC="Ordering of the article within the category." JFIELD_ORDERING_LABEL="Ordering" JFIELD_PUBLISHED_DESC="Set publication status." JFIELD_TITLE_DESC="Title for the article." JGLOBAL_ARTICLES="Articles" JGLOBAL_AUTH_ACCESS_DENIED="Access Denied" JGLOBAL_AUTH_ACCESS_GRANTED="Access Granted" JGLOBAL_AUTH_BIND_FAILED="Failed binding to LDAP server" JGLOBAL_AUTH_CANCEL="Authentication cancelled" JGLOBAL_AUTH_CURL_NOT_INSTALLED="Curl isn't installed." JGLOBAL_AUTH_EMPTY_PASS_NOT_ALLOWED="Empty password not allowed." JGLOBAL_AUTH_FAIL="Authentication failed" JGLOBAL_AUTH_FAILED="Failed to authenticate: %s" JGLOBAL_AUTH_INCORRECT="Incorrect username/password" JGLOBAL_AUTH_INVALID_PASS="Username and password do not match or you do not have an account yet." JGLOBAL_AUTH_INVALID_SECRETKEY="The two factor authentication Secret Key is invalid." JGLOBAL_AUTH_NO_BIND="Unable to bind to LDAP" JGLOBAL_AUTH_NO_CONNECT="Unable to connect to LDAP server" JGLOBAL_AUTH_NO_REDIRECT="Could not redirect to server: %s" JGLOBAL_AUTH_NO_USER="Username and password do not match or you do not have an account yet." JGLOBAL_AUTH_NOT_CREATE_DIR="Could not create the FileStore folder %s. Please check the effective permissions." JGLOBAL_AUTH_PASS_BLANK="LDAP can't have blank password" JGLOBAL_AUTH_UNKNOWN_ACCESS_DENIED="Result Unknown. Access Denied" JGLOBAL_AUTH_USER_BLACKLISTED="User is blacklisted." JGLOBAL_AUTH_USER_NOT_FOUND="Unable to find user" JGLOBAL_AUTO="Auto" JGLOBAL_CATEGORY_NOT_FOUND="Category not found" JGLOBAL_CENTER="Center" JGLOBAL_CHECK_ALL="Check All" JGLOBAL_CLICK_TO_SORT_THIS_COLUMN="Select to sort by this column" JGLOBAL_CREATED_DATE_ON="Created on %s" JGLOBAL_DESCRIPTION="Description" JGLOBAL_DISPLAY_NUM="Display #" JGLOBAL_EDIT="Edit" JGLOBAL_EMAIL="Email" JGLOBAL_FIELD_CREATED_BY_ALIAS_DESC="Uses another name than the author's for display." JGLOBAL_FIELD_CREATED_BY_ALIAS_LABEL="Author's Alias" JGLOBAL_FIELD_FEATURED_DESC="Assign the article to the featured blog layout." JGLOBAL_FIELD_FEATURED_LABEL="Featured" JGLOBAL_FIELD_PUBLISH_DOWN_DESC="An optional date to stop publishing." JGLOBAL_FIELD_PUBLISH_DOWN_LABEL="Finish Publishing" JGLOBAL_FIELD_PUBLISH_UP_DESC="An optional date to start publishing." JGLOBAL_FIELD_PUBLISH_UP_LABEL="Start Publishing" JGLOBAL_FIELD_VERSION_NOTE_DESC="Enter an optional note for this version of the item." JGLOBAL_FIELD_VERSION_NOTE_LABEL="Version Note" JGLOBAL_FILTER_BUTTON="Filter" JGLOBAL_FILTER_LABEL="Filter" JGLOBAL_FULL_TEXT="Full Text" JGLOBAL_GT=">" JGLOBAL_HELPREFRESH_BUTTON="Refresh" JGLOBAL_HITS="Hits" JGLOBAL_HITS_COUNT="Hits: %s" JGLOBAL_ICON_SEP="|" JGLOBAL_INHERIT="Inherit" JGLOBAL_INTRO_TEXT="Intro Text" JGLOBAL_KEEP_TYPING="Keep typing ..." JGLOBAL_LEFT="Left" JGLOBAL_LOOKING_FOR="Looking for" JGLOBAL_LT="<" JGLOBAL_NEWITEMSLAST_DESC="New items default to the last position. Ordering can be changed after this item has been saved." JGLOBAL_NO_MATCHING_RESULTS="No Matching Results" JGLOBAL_NUM="#" JGLOBAL_OTPMETHOD_NONE="Disable Two Factor Authentication" JGLOBAL_PASSWORD="Password" JGLOBAL_PASSWORD_RESET_REQUIRED="You are required to reset your password before proceeding." JGLOBAL_PRINT="Print" JGLOBAL_RECORD_NUMBER="Record ID: %d" JGLOBAL_REMEMBER_ME="Remember me" JGLOBAL_REMEMBER_MUST_LOGIN="For security reasons you must login before editing your personal information." JGLOBAL_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND="Resource not found" JGLOBAL_RIGHT="Right" JGLOBAL_ROOT="Root" JGLOBAL_SECRETKEY="Secret Key" JGLOBAL_SECRETKEY_HELP="If you have enabled two factor authentication in your user account please enter your secret key. If you do not know what this means, you can leave this field blank." JGLOBAL_SELECT_AN_OPTION="Select an option" JGLOBAL_SELECT_NO_RESULTS_MATCH="No results match" JGLOBAL_SELECT_SOME_OPTIONS="Select some options" JGLOBAL_START_PUBLISH_AFTER_FINISH="Item start publishing date must be before finish publishing date" JGLOBAL_SUBCATEGORIES="Subcategories" JGLOBAL_SUBHEADING_DESC="Optional text to show as a subheading." JGLOBAL_TITLE="Title" JGLOBAL_USE_GLOBAL="Use Global" JGLOBAL_USERNAME="Username" JGLOBAL_VALIDATION_FORM_FAILED="Invalid form" JGLOBAL_YOU_MUST_LOGIN_FIRST="Please login first" JGRID_HEADING_ACCESS="Access" JGRID_HEADING_ID="ID" JGRID_HEADING_LANGUAGE="Language" ; if there is an error connecting database before initialisation, en-GB.lib_joomla.ini can't be loaded ; we therefore have to load the strings from en-GB.ini JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_ADAPTER_MYSQL="The MySQL adapter 'mysql' is not available." JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_ADAPTER_MYSQLI="The MySQL adapter 'mysqli' is not available." JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_CONNECT_DATABASE="Unable to connect to the Database: %s" JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_CONNECT_MYSQL="Could not connect to MySQL." JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_DATABASE_CONNECT="Could not connect to database" JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_LOAD_DATABASE_DRIVER="Unable to load Database Driver: %s" JLIB_ERROR_INFINITE_LOOP="Infinite loop detected in JError" JOPTION_SELECT_ACCESS="- Select Access -" JOPTION_SELECT_AUTHOR="- Select Author -" JOPTION_SELECT_CATEGORY="- Select Category -" JOPTION_SELECT_LANGUAGE="- Select Language -" JOPTION_SELECT_PUBLISHED="- Select Status -" JOPTION_SELECT_MAX_LEVELS="- Select Max Levels -" JOPTION_SELECT_TAG="- Select Tag -" JOPTION_USE_DEFAULT="- Use Default -" JSEARCH_FILTER_CLEAR="Clear" JSEARCH_FILTER_LABEL="Filter" JSEARCH_FILTER_SUBMIT="Search" JSEARCH_FILTER="Search" DATE_FORMAT_LC="l, d F Y" DATE_FORMAT_LC1="l, d F Y" DATE_FORMAT_LC2="l, d F Y H:i" DATE_FORMAT_LC3="d F Y" DATE_FORMAT_LC4="Y-m-d" DATE_FORMAT_JS1="y-m-d" ; Months JANUARY_SHORT="Jan" JANUARY="January" FEBRUARY_SHORT="Feb" FEBRUARY="February" MARCH_SHORT="Mar" MARCH="March" APRIL_SHORT="Apr" APRIL="April" MAY_SHORT="May" MAY="May" JUNE_SHORT="Jun" JUNE="June" JULY_SHORT="Jul" JULY="July" AUGUST_SHORT="Aug" AUGUST="August" SEPTEMBER_SHORT="Sep" SEPTEMBER="September" OCTOBER_SHORT="Oct" OCTOBER="October" NOVEMBER_SHORT="Nov" NOVEMBER="November" DECEMBER_SHORT="Dec" DECEMBER="December" ;Days of the Week SAT="Sat" SATURDAY="Saturday" SUN="Sun" SUNDAY="Sunday" MON="Mon" MONDAY="Monday" TUE="Tue" TUESDAY="Tuesday" WED="Wed" WEDNESDAY="Wednesday" THU="Thu" THURSDAY="Thursday" FRI="Fri" FRIDAY="Friday" ; Localised number format DECIMALS_SEPARATOR="." THOUSANDS_SEPARATOR="," ; Time Zones - this data has been removed as it is no longer used by Joomla 3.x PHPMAILER_PROVIDE_ADDRESS="You must provide at least one recipient email address." PHPMAILER_MAILER_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED=" Mailer is not supported." PHPMAILER_EXECUTE="Could not execute: " PHPMAILER_INSTANTIATE="Could not start mail function." PHPMAILER_AUTHENTICATE="SMTP Error! Could not authenticate." PHPMAILER_FROM_FAILED="The following from address failed: " PHPMAILER_RECIPIENTS_FAILED="SMTP Error! The following recipients failed: " PHPMAILER_DATA_NOT_ACCEPTED="SMTP Error! Data not accepted." PHPMAILER_CONNECT_HOST="SMTP Error! Could not connect to SMTP host." PHPMAILER_FILE_ACCESS="Could not access file: " PHPMAILER_FILE_OPEN="File Error: Could not open file: " PHPMAILER_ENCODING="Unknown encoding: " PHPMAILER_SIGNING_ERROR="Signing error: " PHPMAILER_SMTP_ERROR="SMTP server error: " PHPMAILER_EMPTY_MESSAGE="Empty message body" PHPMAILER_INVALID_ADDRESS="Invalid address" PHPMAILER_VARIABLE_SET="Can't set or reset variable: " PHPMAILER_SMTP_CONNECT_FAILED="SMTP connect failed" PHPMAILER_TLS="Could not start TLS" ; Database types (allows for a more descriptive label than the internal name) MYSQL="MySQL" MYSQLI="MySQLi" ORACLE="Oracle" PDOMYSQL="MySQL (PDO)" POSTGRESQL="PostgreSQL" SQLAZURE="Microsoft SQL Azure" SQLITE="SQLite" SQLSRV="Microsoft SQL Server" ; Search tools JSEARCH_TOOLS="Search Tools" JSEARCH_TOOLS_DESC="Filter the list items." JSEARCH_TOOLS_ORDERING="Order by:"