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; Joomla! Project ; Copyright (C) 2005 - 2016 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. ; License GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt, see LICENSE.php ; Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 COM_WEBLINKS="Weblinks" COM_WEBLINKS_ACCESS_HEADING="Access" COM_WEBLINKS_BATCH_OPTIONS="Batch process the selected links" COM_WEBLINKS_BATCH_TIP="If a category is selected for move/copy, any actions selected will be applied to the copied or moved links. Otherwise, all actions are applied to the selected links." COM_WEBLINKS_CATEGORIES_DESC="These settings apply for Web Links Categories Options unless they are changed for a specific menu item." COM_WEBLINKS_CATEGORY_DESC="These settings apply for Web Links Category Options unless they are changed for a specific menu item." COM_WEBLINKS_COMPONENT_DESC="These settings apply for Web Links unless they are changed for a specific menu item or web link." COM_WEBLINKS_COMPONENT_LABEL="Web Link" COM_WEBLINKS_CONFIG_INTEGRATION_SETTINGS_DESC="These settings determine how the Web Links Component will integrate with other extensions." COM_WEBLINKS_CONFIGURATION="Web Links Manager Options" COM_WEBLINKS_EDIT_WEBLINK="Edit Web Link" COM_WEBLINKS_ERR_TABLES_NAME="There is already a Web Link with that name in this category. Please try again." COM_WEBLINKS_ERR_TABLES_PROVIDE_URL="Please provide a valid URL" COM_WEBLINKS_ERR_TABLES_TITLE="Your web link must contain a title." COM_WEBLINKS_ERROR_UNIQUE_ALIAS="Another web link from this category has the same alias (remember it may be a trashed item)." COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_ALIAS_DESC="The alias is for internal use only. Leave this blank and Joomla will fill in a default value from the title. It has to be unique for each web link in the same category." COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_CATEGORY_DESC="Choose a category for this Web link." COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_CATEGORYCHOOSE_DESC="Please choose a Web Links category to display." COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_CONFIG_CAT_SHOWNUMBERS_DESC="Show or hide the number of Web Links in each Category." COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_CONFIG_CAT_SHOWNUMBERS_LABEL="# Web Links" COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_CONFIG_COUNTCLICKS_DESC="If set to yes, the number of times the link has been clicked will be recorded." COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_CONFIG_COUNTCLICKS_LABEL="Count Clicks" COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION_DESC="Show or hide the description below." COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_CONFIG_HITS_DESC="Show or hide hits." COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_CONFIG_ICON_DESC="If Icon is chosen above, select an icon to display with the Web Links. If none is selected, the default icon will be used." COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_CONFIG_ICON_LABEL="Select Icon" COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_CONFIG_LINKDESCRIPTION_DESC="Show or hide the links description." COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_CONFIG_LINKDESCRIPTION_LABEL="Links Description" COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_CONFIG_OTHERCATS_DESC="Show or hide other categories." COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_CONFIG_OTHERCATS_LABEL="Other Categories" COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_CONFIG_SHOWREPORT_DESC="Show or hide the Report Bad Link option." COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_CONFIG_SHOWREPORT_LABEL="Reports" COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_COUNTCLICKS_DESC="If set to yes, the number of times the link has been clicked will be recorded." COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_COUNTCLICKS_LABEL="Count Clicks" COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_DESCRIPTION_DESC="Enter a description for the web link." COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_DISPLAY_NUM_DESC="Default number of Web links to list on a page." COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_DISPLAY_NUM_LABEL="# of Web links to List" COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_FIRST_DESC="The image to be displayed." COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_FIRST_LABEL="First Image" COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_HEIGHT_DESC="Height of the target popup or modal window. Defaults to 600x500 if one field is left empty." COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_HEIGHT_LABEL="Height" COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_ICON_DESC="Displays a text, an icon or nothing with the Web links. Default is 'Icon'." COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_ICON_LABEL="Text/Icon/Web Link Only" COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_ICON_OPTION_ICON="Icon" COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_ICON_OPTION_TEXT="Text" COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_ICON_OPTION_WEBLINK="Web Link Only" COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_IMAGE_ALT_DESC="Alternative text used for visitors without access to images. Replaced with caption text if it is present." COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_IMAGE_ALT_LABEL="Alt Text" COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_IMAGE_CAPTION_DESC="Caption attached to the image." COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_IMAGE_CAPTION_LABEL="Caption" COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_LANGUAGE_DESC="Assign a language to this web link." COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_MODIFIED_DESC="The date and time the link was last modified." COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_SECOND_DESC="The second image to be displayed." COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_SECOND_LABEL="Second Image" COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_SELECT_CATEGORY_DESC="Select a web links category to display." COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_SELECT_CATEGORY_LABEL="Select a Category" COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_SHOW_CAT_TAGS_DESC="Show the tags for a category." COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_SHOW_CAT_TAGS_LABEL="Show Tags" COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_SHOW_TAGS_DESC="Show the tags for a web link." COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_SHOW_TAGS_LABEL="Show Tags" COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_STATE_DESC="Set publication status." COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_TARGET_DESC="Target browser window when the link is selected." COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_TARGET_LABEL="Target" COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_TITLE_DESC="Web Link must have a title." COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_URL_DESC="You must enter a URL. IDN (International) Links are converted to punycode when they are saved." COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_URL_LABEL="URL" COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_VALUE_REPORTED="Reported" COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_VERSION_DESC="A count of the number of times this web link has been revised." COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_VERSION_LABEL="Revision" COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_WIDTH_DESC="Width of the target popup or modal window. Defaults to 600x500 if one field is left empty." COM_WEBLINKS_FIELD_WIDTH_LABEL="Width" COM_WEBLINKS_FIELDSET_IMAGES="Images" COM_WEBLINKS_FIELDSET_OPTIONS="Options" COM_WEBLINKS_FILTER_CATEGORY="Filter Category" COM_WEBLINKS_FILTER_STATE="Filter State" COM_WEBLINKS_FLOAT_DESC="Controls placement of the image." COM_WEBLINKS_FLOAT_LABEL="Image Float" COM_WEBLINKS_HITS_DESC="Number of hits for this web link." COM_WEBLINKS_LEFT="Left" COM_WEBLINKS_LIST_LAYOUT_DESC="These settings apply for Web Links List Layout Options unless they are changed for a specific menu item." COM_WEBLINKS_MANAGER_WEBLINK="Web Links" COM_WEBLINKS_MANAGER_WEBLINKS="Web Links" COM_WEBLINKS_MANAGER_WEBLINK_EDIT="Web Link: Edit" COM_WEBLINKS_MANAGER_WEBLINK_NEW="Web Link: New" COM_WEBLINKS_N_ITEMS_ARCHIVED="%d web links successfully archived." COM_WEBLINKS_N_ITEMS_ARCHIVED_1="%d web link successfully archived." COM_WEBLINKS_N_ITEMS_CHECKED_IN_0="No web link successfully checked in." COM_WEBLINKS_N_ITEMS_CHECKED_IN_1="%d web link successfully checked in." COM_WEBLINKS_N_ITEMS_CHECKED_IN_MORE="%d web links successfully checked in." COM_WEBLINKS_N_ITEMS_DELETED="%d web links successfully deleted." COM_WEBLINKS_N_ITEMS_DELETED_1="%d web link successfully deleted." COM_WEBLINKS_N_ITEMS_PUBLISHED="%d web links successfully published." COM_WEBLINKS_N_ITEMS_PUBLISHED_1="%d web link successfully published." COM_WEBLINKS_N_ITEMS_TRASHED="%d web links successfully trashed." COM_WEBLINKS_N_ITEMS_TRASHED_1="%d web link successfully trashed." COM_WEBLINKS_N_ITEMS_UNPUBLISHED="%d web links successfully unpublished." COM_WEBLINKS_N_ITEMS_UNPUBLISHED_1="%d web link successfully unpublished." COM_WEBLINKS_NEW_WEBLINK="New Web Link" COM_WEBLINKS_NONE="None" COM_WEBLINKS_OPTION_FILTER_ACCESS="- Filter Access -" COM_WEBLINKS_OPTION_FILTER_CATEGORY="- Filter Category -" COM_WEBLINKS_OPTION_FILTER_PUBLISHED="- Filter State -" COM_WEBLINKS_OPTIONS="Options" COM_WEBLINKS_ORDER_HEADING="Order" COM_WEBLINKS_RIGHT="Right" COM_WEBLINKS_SAVE_SUCCESS="Web link successfully saved" COM_WEBLINKS_SEARCH_IN_TITLE="Search in title" COM_WEBLINKS_SHOW_EMPTY_CATEGORIES_DESC="If Show, empty categories will display. A category is only empty - if it has no Web links or subcategories." COM_WEBLINKS_SUBMENU_CATEGORIES="Categories" COM_WEBLINKS_SUBMENU_WEBLINKS="Web Links" COM_WEBLINKS_XML_DESCRIPTION="Component for web links management" JGLOBAL_NO_ITEM_SELECTED="No web links selected" JGLOBAL_NEWITEMSLAST_DESC="New Web links default to the last position. Ordering can be changed after this Web link is saved." JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_BATCH_CANNOT_CREATE="You are not allowed to create new web links in this category." JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_BATCH_CANNOT_EDIT="You are not allowed to edit one or more of these web links." JLIB_RULES_SETTING_NOTES="1. Changes apply to this component only.<br /><em><strong>Inherited</strong></em> - a Global Configuration setting or higher level setting is applied.<br /><em><strong>Denied</strong></em> always wins - whatever is set at the Global or higher level and applies to all child elements.<br /><em><strong>Allowed</strong></em> will enable the action for this component unless it is overruled by a Global Configuration setting.<br /><br />2. Select Save to refresh the calculated settings."